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About Us

UnsafeTrucks.org is a group of advocates, concerned citizens, and attorneys whose mission is to make roads safer through awareness, education, advocacy, and enforcement of safe trucking practices. By reporting unsafe trucks to the proper authorities, including the trucking company of the truck that is reported, the state Department of Transportation and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, you can help us to make roads safer for everyone.

Unsafe Trucks provides information for consumers about truck safety and warns people about the dangers associated with large trucks when they are not maintained, do not follow the rules and when their drivers are pushed by deadlines. When drivers know about safety measures and insist that such laws are enforced, the roads are safer for everyone. This site also provides information about how you can influence laws that are created for the trucking industry through the Legislative Initiatives page.

We hope to bring about change by educating the general public, legislators, trucklines, and truck drivers, about common unsafe or illegal trucking practices and procedures in America today and to provide a way for people’s voices to be heard if they have been affected by unsafe trucks. These unsafe and illegal practices each year cause the deaths and injuries of thousands of innocent men, women and children on America's highways. This is a national safety crisis. The level of deaths and injuries will continue, and may in fact worsen, unless united together; we begin working today for a safer tomorrow.


The Association of Interstate Trucking Lawyers of America (AITLAmerica) is a national association of committed lawyers who have joined together to help eliminate unsafe and illegal interstate trucking practices. Through our combined efforts in learning, litigation and legislation, we are working today to make America's highways a safer place tomorrow for our families, our clients, and all Americans.

Unsafe Trucks partners with AITLAmerica(sm) to make America’s roadways safer for everyone. Visit their website here for more information.